What is Full Mouth Debridement

What is Full Mouth Debridement? Recovery Time and Cost

Oral health is very important to a healthy body, as well as a beautiful smile. If poor dental health is maintained, severe dental problems like severe plagues and tartar
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Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

The Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

Getting your wisdom teeth extracted an ordinary procedure; this may be perfectly clear to many people within the Indian population due to overcrowding and impacted teeth. Although the surgery
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What is Periodontal Cleaning

What is Periodontal Cleaning? Cost, Procedure, Benefits and More

As you brush, do your gums bleed? Do you have longer-looking teeth now? These may be early warning signs that your gums require help. Don’t worry! Smileoracles’s periodontal cleaning
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Advantages and Disadvantages of Teeth Cleaning

10 Advantages and Disadvantages of Teeth Cleaning

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for overall health. Teeth cleaning is a fundamental part of this routine and involves various procedures performed by dental professionals to ensure your
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Dentures Treatment, Types, Cost

Dentures: Types of Dentures and Treatment Cost in Delhi

Dentures are essential for restoring both dental function and aesthetics, particularly for individuals missing natural teeth. In Delhi, understanding the types of dentures available and their associated treatment costs
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Advantages of Dental Implants

What are the Various Advantages of Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a revolutionary solution for missing teeth, providing a permanent and natural-looking replacement. With their increasing popularity, implants have become a preferred choice in modern dentistry. Unlike
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Best Cosmetic Dentist in South Delhi

Who is the Best Cosmetic Dentist in South Delhi?

A confident smile is more than just a facial expression; it’s a reflection of self-assurance and positivity. Cosmetic dentistry has the power to enhance smiles and boost self-esteem by
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Wisdom Tooth Extraction Cost

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Cost: What Are Included in the Cost

Wisdom teeth, those late-blooming molars, often raise curiosity and some concern. Emerging in late adolescence or early adulthood, these molars can bring both value and trouble. Many individuals worry
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Wisdom Teeth Recovery Timeline

Day-by-Day Wisdom Teeth Recovery Timeline

Know about the wisdom teeth recovery timeline – The process of wisdom teeth extraction can be a source of anxiety for many. The post-surgery discomfort and uncertainties can be
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Orthodontic Treatment

Why Are Retainers Essential After Orthodontic Treatment?

Many of us have experienced the anticipation and joy that come with the completion of orthodontic treatment in Delhi. The day arrives when the braces or aligners come off, unveiling
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Dental Veneers

Enhance Your Smile Transform Discoloration, Gaps, and Misalignment with Dental Veneers

A confident smile has an undeniable power. It’s not just about aesthetics; it’s about the boost it gives to your self-assurance. And in the realm of smile enhancements, dental
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Sports Mouth Guard

How Effective Are Gum-shields in Sports Mouth Guard Protecting Your Teeth?

Gum-shield mouth guard is an essential protective equipmentelement when you are involved in everyday sports. The open field can become very harsh when the opponent strikes. Therefore, you have
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Dental Cleaning

How Many Times A Year Does A Child Need Dental Cleaning?

Regular cleaning of teeth is essential to keep your mouth in good condition. It is particularly important among children, as their permanent teeth start erupting. Therefore, parents must take
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Benefits of Wearing a Mouth Guard

Benefits of Wearing A Mouth Guard for Sleeping

Have you ever thought of wearing a mouth guard or night guard while sleeping? Well, the crooked position of your teeth may lead to teeth grinding and disturb your
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A Child's Oral Health

How Thumb Sucking Affects a Child’s Oral Health?

Seeing infants nibbling or sucking on their thumbs is the cutest sight. It is even more adorable when these little munchkins fall asleep while sucking on their thumbs. Many
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Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

9 Tips for a Better Recovery from Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Wisdom teeth removal surgery has become a standard procedure for adults with overcrowded teeth and jaw bone growth. Wisdom teeth can cause oral problems and be difficult to clean
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Best Dentist Near Me

Best Dentist Near Me: 8 Things to Consider When Choosing Dentist

Do you need a best dentist near me? Gum and periodontal diseases are widespread and easily diagnosed in anyone. The food habits of today’s generation are a significant cause
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4 Types of Teeth Cleaning

4 Types of Dental Teeth Cleaning

Types of Teeth Cleaning – Good dental practice includes flossing, brushing, and eating the right foods. Routine dental cleanings are essential for your teeth to stay cavity-free and shiny.
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Types of Dental Fillings

Types of Dental Fillings and Who Needs Them?

To treat a cavity, the dentist removes the decayed piece of the tooth and then “fills” the region on the tooth from where the decayed material was removed Different
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root canal issues

Common Causes of Root Canal Issues: Symptoms and Treatments

Root canal therapy aims to remove bacteria from the infected root canal, avoid reinfection, and save the original tooth. The inflammatory or infected pulp is removed, and the inside
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Is Dental Implant Painful

Is Dental Implant Painful? Dental Implant Procedure

When it comes to tooth loss, many people are most concerned with the impact it would have on the appearance of their smile. However, tooth loss is more than
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11 Worst Bad Food for Teeth

11 Foods That are Bad for Your Teeth

Overview Everyone wishes for healthy and beautiful teeth, but this requires some effort and knowledge about how to care for them. We all know that brushing twice a day,
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Periodontal Disease Causes Symptoms

Periodontal Disease – What are the Phases, Symptoms & Treatment

A person’s oral health is more vital than one may think. An orally healthy person reflects a charismatic persona, as the smile would attract many! Today in this article,
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10 Different Types of Tooth Pain

The 10 Different Types of Tooth Pain and What They Mean

Overview Tooth pain is impossible to ignore; no matter what sort of pain it is. It caused by irritation of the nerves in the root or surrounding area of
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The Importance of Milk Teeth

Why is It Important to Take Care of Milk Teeth?

Milk teeth are the first set of teeth that appear after a baby’s birth. They are also known as primary or deciduous teeth. Milk teeth care during the early
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11 Benefits of Dental Implants

Top 11 Benefits of Dental Implants: You May Not Have Known

What is a Dental Implant? A dental implant is a prosthetic replacement for a lost natural tooth. It is a relatively permanent solution to equipping a missing tooth as
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Pediatric Dentist

7 Reasons to Take a Child to a Pediatric Dentist

Taking your kid to a pediatric dentist is an essential step you can take early on to safeguard your child’s oral health. The first visit to a dentist, according
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Myths About Root Canal Treatment

7 Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Like any other advanced medical procedure, the root canal treatment in Greater Kailash consorts several mind-boggling myths. However, each of them is quite far from reality and, thus, deserves
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Clear Aligners Or Metal Braces

Clear Aligners Or Metal Braces? Here’s How to Choose Between Them

Misaligned or crooked teeth are known to be pretty common, especially among teenagers. While the teeth usually don’t cause any life-threatening situation, they can affect the charm of your
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wisdom tooth pain

Wisdom Tooth Pain: Symptoms, Causes, Remedies & Relief

Overview Wisdom tooth pain is something that almost every individual goes through at least once in their lifetime. The teeth located in the most posterior corner of the dental
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Covid Impacts on Teeth

Coronavirus: Can COVID-19 impact your teeth?

Overview Covid Impacts on Teeth – Everyone across the globe has taken a hit with the COVID-19 pandemic. The virus is fatal and can lead to severe complications in
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Baby Bottle Tooth Decay

Baby Bottle Tooth Decay: How to Prevent?

Your child’s baby teeth, though temporary, are important. They may be susceptible to cavities. Tooth decay in young infants and toddlers is usually known as Early Childhood Caries or
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Dentist's Basic Teeth Cleaning

The Dentist’s Guide to a Basic Teeth Cleaning

Read about the dentist’s basic teeth cleaning tips. Smileoracles is the best dental clinic in Greater Kailash. It’s the ideal place to receive an effective professional dental cleaning with
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Pain After Root Canal

Pain After Root Canal: What to Expect and When to Seek Help

Feeling pain after root canal is pretty common and can be a bit worrying. Even though the root canal is meant to fix problems and reduce pain, some discomfort
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After a Root Canal Treatment

Aftercare You Might Need After a Root Canal Treatment

The root canal procedure generally involves a thorough cleaning inside of your canal. It is usually done to uplift the condition of your teeth or to reverse the damage
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Dentures Types, Benefits

Dentures – What is it, Types, Purpose, Procedure & Cost

What are Dentures? Are you thinking of getting dentures or already having them, or do you know someone with dentures, then you might have some questions about them? What’s
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Dental Filling: Purpose, Procedure, Types & Cost

Dental Filling: Purpose, Procedure, Types & Cost

Are you looking forward to undergoing a dental filling treatment in Delhi but are unaware about its procedure, types, cost, and success rate? Well! Here you will get a
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Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure, Pain & Recovery

Smileoracles offers expert wisdom teeth removal, ensuring a smooth procedure with minimal pain. Their experienced team uses advanced techniques to manage discomfort and promote quick recovery. Post-surgery care includes
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Smile Makeover: Procedure, Cost

Smile Makeover: What is it, Procedures, Time, Cost & Precautions

What is a Smile Makeover? A smile says a lot about a person. However, teeth problems like teeth discolouration, missing teeth, chipped teeth, misaligned teeth and misshapen teeth may
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dental puss

Dental Abscess: Pus in the Mouth!

Dental Abscess: A tooth abscess is a collection of infected material (pus) due to a bacterial infection in the center of a tooth. Alternative Names Periapical abscess; Dental abscess;
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Dental Emergencies Care Solutions

24*7 – Immediate Dental Emergencies Care Solutions

Accidents happen, and knowing what to do when one occurs can mean the difference between saving and losing a tooth. Here are some common dental emergencies and how to
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What is Dental Clearance?

Mouth is the Mirror of the Body

Your mouth and face reflect signs and symptoms of health and disease that can serve as an adjunct for diagnosis for some conditions. Dental clearance is often required before
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Top 7 Tooth Cleaning Aids

Top 7 Tooth Cleaning Aids: Must Have Products for Effective Cleaning

If you want to know about the best tooth cleaning aids that can help for your dental cleaning, Smileoracles can assist you in finding the which is best dental
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Our Doctor

Dr. Sreenita is a skilled and compassionate Paediatric Dentist who believes in providing exceptional care to her patients. She earned her bachelor’s degree from Dr. MGR Medical University, Faculty of Dentistry. After her graduation in 2008.

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