Wisdom Teeth Removal: Procedure, Pain & Recovery

Wisdom Teeth Removal Cost in Delhi

Wisdom Tooth Extraction

A wisdom tooth is the last tooth to erupt and is named so because, by the time it emerges, the person becomes wiser. A wisdom tooth may cause pain and great distress when it starts erupting. The reason may be due to its angled or tilted eruption, lack of space or inability to maintain proper oral hygiene. If you are experiencing pain due to your wisdom tooth and looking for undergoing extraction, then here mentioned are all the things that may help you understand about the procedure, time, cost and recovery of wisdom tooth extraction.

What are wisdom teeth? Why do people get it removed?

Wisdom teeth eruption can be seen in the teenage years once an individual reaches puberty. The wisdom tooth erupts at the end of your mouth behind the second molars when an individual reaches an age of 18-25 years. In most of the cases, due to lack of space and crowded mouth, it becomes challenging for the third molars to develop normally. When these teeth come out, it may cause immense and unbearable pain, resulting in people to have them removed.

Wisdom teeth are the third molar teeth present at the end of one or more quadrants of the dentition. Some people may not have any wisdom teeth in their mouth, while others may have one or more wisdom teeth each on one side. In some circumstances, it is required to remove the wisdom teeth. One of the most common cases where wisdom teeth removal is required is angled eruption where the teeth erupt at an angle rather than in parallel direction to the adjacent teeth. This leads to enhanced pain and difficulty in oral hygiene in a specific area. Sometimes, wisdom teeth removal procedure is also required when pericoronitis (inflammation of the tissue around the third molar) occurs around the wisdom teeth and when there is no adequate space for the wisdom teeth to come out in the oral cavity.

What to Expect Before undergoing Surgery?

If you are advised to undergo a surgery for wisdom tooth extraction, try consulting a top dentist to understand the procedure, recovery, cost and other things, regarding wisdom tooth extraction. Also, let your surgeon know about your medical history, prescribed medications, or other supplements that you are taking. It is important to note that the wisdom teeth removal cost in Delhi may vary depending upon fees of the surgeon, complexity of the case, overall medical health etc.

What happens during wisdom tooth extraction procedure? 

Once you are ready for the wisdom tooth extraction, your doctor will first sedate the area by giving you local anaesthesia to ensure a comfortable and pain-free experience. After sedating the area, your surgeon will first expose the wisdom tooth by cutting the gums covering the interface between the crown and roots of the tooth. Thereafter, your surgeon may also try to remove or cut the bone blocking your tooth. If needed, the tooth is cut into sections or pieces and removed one by one by the surgeon. After the extraction is complete, the socket is covered immediately with a sterile gauze piece to control bleeding. Lastly, your doctor will safely stitch the wounds and close it so that they heal quickly.

After Surgery

The whole process of wisdom tooth extraction may take around 45-60 minutes to complete. However, the time taken may vary with the complexity of the case. You may be allowed to leave on the same day after the surgery and post-operative instructions. You will be advised not to eat or drink extremely hot food until the effect of anaesthesia is gone. After your surgery, it is normal to experience a little pain in the area, which will subside on its own. The doctor may prescribe you pain-killers or anti-inflammatory medication to reduce pain and swelling that might occur after the surgery in the next 3-5 days. Complete recovery can be observed after a few weeks of the surgery. For faster recovery and healing, follow all the post-operative instructions sincerely. 

What is the recovery time after Wisdom tooth extraction?

In general, the time needed for complete recovery after wisdom tooth removal procedure is 3-6 days. Once the effect of anaesthesia is gone, the person may find difficulty in opening his/her mouth. But the condition starts improving when the patients start taking required precautions after the tooth removal and follows the dentist’s advice.

Some tips that can help you recover faster are listed below:

  • Applying moist heat to your jaws may provide relief from the jaw pain.
  • For the first few days eat liquid or semi-solid foods, to avoid exertion near the wound. 
  • Do not brush the near around the wisdom tooth socket for a few days after the surgery.
  • Drink plenty of fluids
  • Maintain good oral hygiene
  • Try some jaw opening exercises 
  • Take all the medications on time to help ease pain or swelling.
  • Quit smoking.

When to call your doctor?

Wisdom tooth extraction may not usually cause any serious side effects or adverse reaction. However, in certain conditions where you experience fever, chills, worsening of pain which is not relieved by medication. You may also get infection and pus oozing out from the extraction, bad taste in the mouth and numbness in the area. This is when it becomes important to call your dental doctor at the dental clinic in Greater Kailash immediately. Sometimes, these symptoms may indicate nerve damage or infection while in rare care, it may indicate serious complications which may require immediate medical attention. 

How should I prepare for wisdom teeth removal?

Preparing for wisdom teeth removal is essential to ensure a smooth and successful procedure. Here are some important steps to take:

  • Consultation with Your Dentist in Advance: Discuss your medical history, any current medications, and any concerns you may have about the procedure.
  • Arrange Transportation: Arrange for someone to drive you to and from the surgery, as you’ll be under anesthesia.
  • Fasting Before Surgery: Follow fasting instructions, typically 6-8 hours before the surgery.
  • Medications: Pick up any prescribed medications in advance
  • Comfortable Clothing: Avoid wearing tight-fitting tops that may be difficult to remove after having your wisdom teeth removed.
  • Recovery Space: Create a cozy recovery space at home with soft foods and ice packs for your post-surgery care after having your wisdom teeth removed.
  • Hygiene: Maintain oral hygiene but avoid mouthwash on the morning of surgery.
  • Questions and Concerns: Do not hesitate to ask your dentist or oral surgeon any questions or voice concerns.

By following these preparations, you can ensure that your wisdom teeth removal goes smoothly and that your recovery is as comfortable as possible.

After Surgery (What happens after wisdom teeth removal?)

Following wisdom teeth removal, you’ll encounter some wisdom tooth pain, specific post operative experiences, or some side effects of wisdom tooth extraction:

  • Immediate Recovery: Upon leaving the dental office, gauze will manage initial bleeding, while the effects of anesthesia gradually wear off.
  • Pain and Swelling: Expect localized wisdom tooth pain and swelling around the extraction site. Dentist-prescribed or over-the-counter pain relief can help ease this discomfort.
  • Dietary Adjustments: Stick to soft foods like yogurt and mashed potatoes for a few days to prevent irritation around the healing area.
  • Oral Hygiene: Gently rinse your mouth with warm saltwater, maintaining brushing but cautiously near the extraction site. Avoid straws, as the suction may hinder healing.
  • Rest: Allow your body to recover by avoiding strenuous activities for several days.
  • Follow Instructions: Adhere closely to the post-operative instructions provided by Smileoracles Multispeciality Dental Clinic for a smoother recovery and to ensure you receive the full value for your cost of wisdom teeth removal.

While some pain is expected, if you notice unusual symptoms or increased tooth extraction pain, contact your dentist for guidance.

Dos and don’ts after wisdom tooth extraction


  • Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration and aid the healing process.
  • Use Ice Packs: Apply ice packs to reduce swelling during the first 24 hours after the procedure.
  • Take Rest: Allow your body to heal by getting adequate rest and avoiding strenuous activities.

Monitor for Infection: Keep an eye out for signs of infection, such as excessive swelling, redness, or pus, and report any concerns to your dentist.


  • Avoid Crunchy or Hard Foods: Stay away from hard or crunchy foods that could disturb the surgical site.
  • No Alcohol-Based Mouthwash: Refrain from using alcohol-based mouthwash, as it can irritate the healing area.
  • Don’t Touch the Surgical Area: Avoid touching the extraction site with your fingers or tongue to prevent infection.
  • Skip Smoking and Tobacco Products: Smoking and tobacco can hinder the healing process, so avoid them during recovery.

Recovery timeline (With Timeline)

The wisdom teeth removal recovery process is a gradual journey, and the duration may vary based on individual circumstances. Here’s a breakdown of what you can expect during this period:

  • First 24 Hours: During the initial day, blood clots will form at the extraction site, which is crucial for proper healing.
  • 2-3 Days: You may experience swelling in the mouth and cheeks, but this should start to improve as you progress through the first few days.
  • 7 Days: After about a week, your dentist may remove any stitches that were placed during the procedure to assist in wound closure.
  • 7-10 Days: Jaw stiffness and soreness should gradually subside during this time, allowing for improved comfort.
  • 2 Weeks: Mild bruising on the face, if present, should heal completely by the end of two weeks.

Additionally, some individuals may encounter jaw tightness, limited mouth opening, or temporary dizziness or lightheadedness due to anesthesia. Be sure to follow your dentist’s post-operative instructions for the best outcome.

Wisdom Tooth Removal Healing Process

If you already extracted your wisdom tooth and worry about the wisdom tooth removal healing time. After your wisdom tooth removal, there is a hole left behind, and it takes about four to six weeks for the entire healing process to complete. It usually takes one week to remove stitches, and surgery-induced swelling, bruising, and pain will also take a week to heal.

The healing process after wisdom tooth removal healing process will be in the following stages:

  • In the first, 24 Hours post-surgery, blood clots will form.
  • After two to three days, Swelling of the cheeks and mouth will return to normal. Using ice packs will reduce pain and inflammation.
  • After One Week, the stitches will be removed by the dentist.
  • Within 7 to 10 days, Jaw stiffness as well as soreness will be normal.
  • After 15 days, mild bruising on the face will also heal.
  •  The patients must avoid drinking alcohol and also to. Avoid touching the surgical site.
  • Discomfort after the wisdom tooth extraction will. Subside with time.
  • Also, swelling is normal after wisdom tooth removal surgery.
  • To heal, patients must take care of their nourishment. Hydration is critical, and consuming high-calorie, high-protein diets are vital for the patient’s healing.

Read Also: A Day-by-Day Wisdom Teeth Recovery Timeline

Wisdom Teeth Removal Recovery Tips

After wisdom teeth removal, there are certain things that the dentist recommends doing to speed up the recovery process. Below tips can help a person to encourage faster healing and to avoid any complications:

  • Ice packs are an excellent treatment for swelling and speedy healing. They also reduce inflammation and pain, helping the patient feel better.
  • Eating healthy will increase your chances of a speedy recovery. Dentists can advise you on what foods are safe for you to eat.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep your body hydrated and will also keep your mouth clean.
  • You should take the pain medication your dentist prescribed, especially if the stitches remain.
  • Try not to exert yourself immediately after the wisdom teeth extraction procedure, and rest properly.

Read Also: 9 Tips for a Better Recovery from Wisdom Teeth Removal Surgery

Side Effects of Wisdom Tooth Extraction

There are many common side effects, including pain and swelling around the surgical site. People may also experience.

  • Dry socket.
  • Nausea.
  • Jaw stiffness.
  • Temporary numbness in the mouth or face.

Wisdom teeth removed may also lead to altered facial structure over time and may also experience changes in jaw alignment, which affects your biting down and chewing food. In some rare cases, it could even lead to nerve damage or difficulty opening your mouth wide enough for dental work in the future. To reduce these side effects and risks, it’s vital to follow all pre-and post-operative instructions provided by dentists carefully to ensure quick healing and minimal risk of complications.

Take away:

Numerous clinics in Delhi offer wisdom tooth extraction. You need to consider all the facts and check with your doctor in case you have any concern for wisdom tooth extraction or root canal treatment in Greater Kailash. Your dental surgeon will ensure the best possible treatment for you to help you get rid of the debilitating tooth pain.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How long do side effects of wisdom teeth removal last?

The duration of side effects of wisdom tooth extraction varies. Swelling and jaw stiffness typically improve within 2-3 days, while mild bruising on the face may take up to 2 weeks to heal completely. Dizziness or lightheadedness from anesthesia should be temporary and subside within a few hours after the procedure.

2. How long does the pain last after wisdom tooth extraction?

Pain after wisdom tooth extraction is most intense during the first 2-3 days but gradually subsides afterward. Over-the-counter pain relievers and following your dentist’s post-operative care instructions can help manage discomfort during this period. Persistent or severe wisdom teeth removal pain should be discussed with your dentist.

3. What are Wisdom Teeth?

Wisdom teeth are the last set of teeth that emerge from the back of your gum and are four in number (one in each corner). Similar to other molar teeth, they also help grind food and soften them. However, some people have wisdom teeth that do not cause any problems. For others, due to compact oral space, wisdom tooth create issues and need to be treated by a dentist.

4. What age do wisdom teeth come in?

Off all the teeth that have grown completely and become functional, wisdom teeth are the last to erupt out from your gums. Thus you can see those wisdom teeth emerge at 17 to 25 years old. By the age of 28 years, all sets of teeth have become fully mature. At this time, your gum is covered with teeth; in many cases, there will not be enough space for the wisdom tooth to pop out. The result is an infection, pain, swelling, and bleeding gums in the wisdom tooth area, which affects your daily activity.

5. How do I know if I have wisdom teeth?

Due to the location of the wisdom tooth, it is difficult to observe it visually. Hence, the dentist suggests X-rays of the teeth, which is the first indication showing your wisdom teeth. This way, you will also know if the wisdom tooth is developing and if it will emerge from the gum.

6. How long does it take to recover from removing wisdom teeth?

For healthy individuals, wisdom tooth removal is an outpatient procedure, and you can leave the clinic the same day. The normal daily activity can be resumed a day or two after the surgery, but a few precautions need to be taken during the recovery time, such as:

  • Avoiding strenuous exercise
  • Avoiding smoking
  • Avoiding spitting
  • Avoid drinking from a straw

7. What is the main problem with wisdom teeth?

For some, wisdom teeth emerging does not cause any issues, while for others, they can cause dental problems such as:

  • Overcrowding
  • impaction (wisdom tooth pushes into the gum or another tooth)
  • Tooth decay and infection
  • Pain and difficulty chewing
  • Bad breath

Wisdom tooth removal is a minor surgery unless you have any other medical conditions such as heart disease. In that case, you may have to consult with your dentist for some preventive measures.

8. When does wisdom teeth extraction become necessary?

Some common signs that may indicate the need to remove your wisdom teeth include pain, swelling, difficulty opening your mouth, and gum inflammation. A dental professional can also use X-rays to determine if your wisdom teeth are causing any issues.

9. What happens during wisdom teeth removal?

The dentist gives anesthesia to numb the area and prevent pain during wisdom teeth removal. The teeth are then loosened and removed using special tools.

10. What Happens If You Do Not Remove an Impacted Wisdom Tooth?

The most common tooth of an impacted wisdom tooth is pain caused by pressure on the nerves. If you don’t have impacted wisdom teeth, they might lead to more severe complications, including cysts, infections, and tumors, along with bone resorption and jawbone deterioration. Leaving impacted wisdom teeth can create long-term risks and make them more challenging to remove.

11. Is a Wisdom Tooth Removal Necessary?

The time when wisdom. Tooth or teeth cause problems, or an X-ray confirms that they might be down the line; there is a need to get it removed. If not removed, impacted wisdom teeth : 

  • It can damage other teeth as well.
  • It can hollow out your jaw and damage nerves.
  • It can lead to sinus pain and congestion.
  • Can swell gums.
  • Can create cavities.
  • It can cause problems with the crowding of other teeth.

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